Saturday Nov 23, 2024
Saturday Nov 23, 2024
What are some of the rhythms or hobbies Liv and Allie are hoping to pursue this holiday season? What’s on our Christmas season bucket list? Grab a warm drink and listen to find out!
Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Saturday Nov 09, 2024
For our second episode, tune in to hear us rant about random hills we would die on. Sit back and get ready because we have some strong opinions! Cheers!
Saturday Nov 02, 2024
Saturday Nov 02, 2024
We are BACK! After the longest hiatus ever, we have returned and are excited to be recording and posting again. Although it will now be in a less structured, more conversational structure, we will still be talking all things theology and Christian life. In today’s episode, we chat about where we’ve been, our rebrand, mom life, and so much more. So grab a drink and snack and join us. Cheers!
Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
Happy Mother’s Day! Today, we bring you a special episode about the biblical beauty of motherhood, including a critique of culture’s common standpoint on motherhood and the family. As Christians, we dare to be countercultural and challenge the worldview that motherhood hinders a whole, beautiful, and fulfilled life. We reject the world’s wisdom, which is foolishness, and pursue God’s plan and design instead. Whether you’re a mother or not, you don’t want to miss this episode.
Genesis 11:1-9
1 Samuel 1-3, 15-16
1 Kings 3:16-28
Proverbs 22:6
Mark 10:41-45
Luke 11:33-36
1 Corinthians 3:19
2 Peter 1:3-4
ESV Study Bible
Crosswalk, “The Top 10 Most Extraordinary Mothers of the Bible”
Got Questions, “Who was Eli in the Bible?”
John MacArthur, “Bible Introductions – 1 Samuel”
To be alerted of new episodes, please follow us on Instagram @cedarandcypresspod! If you have questions, want to suggest an episode topic, or connect with us, you can reach us at cedarandcypresspod@gmail.com.
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
Are environmentalism and eco-friendliness noble pursuits from a biblical perspective? Should Christians care or make efforts to contribute toward this ever-growing movement? And what did the secular humanists get wrong about environmental conservation? We answer all these questions and more today in a sincere endeavor to understand how we can honor the Creator based on how the biblical authors described and considered creation.
Genesis 1-3, 6-9, 19:24
Exodus 3
Joshua 6:1-27
Job 40-41
Proverbs 16:18
Ezekiel 37:1-10
Matthew 8:23-27, 12:34, 14:22-36, 21:1-11, 28:16-18
Mark 4:36-41, 6:45-56, 11:1-11
Luke 8:22-25, 19:28-44
John 6:16-24, 12:12-19
Romans 14
Ephesians 4:1-6
2 Peter 3:10–12
ESV Study Bible
“43 Bible Verses about the Power of God”
“100+ Easy Ways to Be More Eco-Friendly”
Blue Letter Bible, “Miracles Recorded in the Old Testament”
Blue Letter Bible, “Our Lord’s Miracles”
Henah Velez, “99 Sustainable Swaps To Incorporate Into Your Daily Routine”
Got Questions, “What does it mean that heaven and earth will pass away?”
Got Questions, “What are the New Heavens and the New Earth?”
John MacArthur, “Jesus’ Power over the Natural”
John Piper, “All Authority in Heaven and Earth: The Sovereignty of Jesus and His Unstoppable Mission”
To be alerted of new episodes, please follow us on Instagram @cedarandcypresspod! If you have questions, want to suggest an episode topic, or connect with us, you can reach us at cedarandcypresspod@gmail.com.
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
In February, Asbury University in Kentucky took the news by storm with its spontaneous and continuous worship service, which continued for over two weeks after a routine chapel service should have ended. What are we to make of spiritual revivals? Should we be joyful, cautious, or both? Are spiritual revivals even biblical? The scroll of Nehemiah has much wisdom to offer about revival, reform, and how God-followers should approach this topic.
Numbers 18:21–24
Nehemiah 4:15-23, 8, 13
Acts 2:1-13
Galatians 5:22-23
Philippians 1:6
Hebrews 4:16, 8-9
ESV Study Bible
Asbury University, “Statement from Asbury President Dr. Kevin Brown”
David Guzik, Enduring Word Commentary, “Nehemiah Chapter 13”
Fiona Morgan, “The Asbury revival is over. What happens now?”
Got Questions, “How was God Himself the inheritance of the Levites?”
Got Questions, “What does it mean that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?”
Inside Higher Ed, “The Aftershocks of the Asbury Revival”
Samuel Sey, “Is the Asbury “Revival” A Real Revival?”
Wikipedia, “2023 Asbury Revival”
Previous Episodes Mentioned:
Episode 14 | Get Your Priorities Straight: A Study of Haggai
Episode 20 | Biblical Principles & Practical Tips for Financial Stewardship
To be alerted of new episodes, please follow us on Instagram @cedarandcypresspod! If you have questions, want to suggest an episode topic, or connect with us, you can reach us at cedarandcypresspod@gmail.com.
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
The podcast is back and better than ever! After a two-month hiatus, Allison returns with a (belated) Holy Week meditation on the Christian calling to approach death with the resolve, love, service, obedience, and humility of Jesus. What would compel someone to sacrifice himself for others willingly? We will explore that today!
Ecclesiastes 8:15
Isaiah 22:13 50:7
Matthew 21:1-11, 26:36-46
Mark 10:45
Luke 9:51-56, 12:19
John 3:16, 10:18, 10:31-39, 15:33
Romans 5:8, 8:12-19
Philippians 2:8
ESV Study Bible
Jameson Steward, “8 Times in the Bible People Wanted to Kill Jesus”
John Piper, “Dietrich Bonhoeffer Was Hanged Today”
John Pier, “Love to the Uttermost” Holy Week Devotional
To be alerted of new episodes, please follow us on Instagram @cedarandcypresspod! If you have questions, want to suggest an episode topic, or connect with us, you can reach us at cedarandcypresspod@gmail.com.
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Have you ever wished you could hear from God about something you’re experiencing? Maybe what job to pursue, if you should date that person, how you should handle conflict, or feeling like you’re at a crossroads with something in your life? Wouldn’t it be nice if the sky opened up, the clouds parted, and you heard a voice telling you exactly what to do and how to go about your life? The truth is that God is much more complex than just that. Tune into this episode to learn how we can hear from God.
(02:06) Podcast news and updates
(07:06) What’s the big deal with hearing from God?
(12:45) Seven helpful steps to hearing from God
(28:50) Practical steps you can take today
Thank you for joining us! Below, you can find the information we studied for this episode.
1 Samuel 3:10
Isaiah 30:21
Matthew 7:15-20
Romans 12:2
ESV Study Bible
To be alerted of new episodes, please follow us on Instagram @cedarandcypresspod! If you have questions, want to suggest an episode topic, or connect with us, you can reach us at cedarandcypresspod@gmail.com.
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Did you know how much David’s life can convict you about sin in your life and your need for a perfect, holy Savior? Have you ever wondered if David’s story has more to offer than a trivialized message about a sling, a stone, and a giant? We’ve shaped many conceptions about King David by imposing our culture on him and our desire to cherry-pick stories from his life so we can identify with him. Today, we will journey together through the major movements of David’s life – and surprisingly, encounter the Gospel at every turn.
Thank you for joining us! Below, you can find the information we studied for this episode.
1 Samuel 8, 9:1-2, 16-17, 19-31
2 Samuel 2, 6:14-22, 7-24
1 Kings 2
Psalm 51
Mark 10:45
Romans 7:15
Hebrews 11
Revelation 5:5
ESV Study Bible
Got Questions, “What is the Davidic Covenant?”
Keith Mathison, “The Davidic Covenant — The Unfolding of Biblical Eschatology”
John Piper, “God's Covenant with David”
To be alerted of new episodes, please follow us on Instagram @cedarandcypresspod! If you have questions, want to suggest an episode topic, or connect with us, you can reach us at cedarandcypresspod@gmail.com.
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Eschatology (the study of the end times) is an incredibly broad and challenging topic in the Bible. What should we think of final judgment, the end of the world, armageddon, the new heaven and earth? What about the troubling images of the beast, dragon, lamb, and other spiritual beings? Today, we skip the drama and debates about when certain events will take place and return to the roots of Revelation. Revelation is the vision given to the Apostle John when exiled by Rome for his faith on the island of Patmos. This book offers spectacular insights into the person of Jesus, our Kingdom work here and now, and the responsibility of Christ’s bride today. Tune in for our meditation on Revelation as we explore the world’s end as the Bible depicts it.
Thank you for joining us! Below, you can find the information we studied for this episode.
Daniel 7:13-14
Matthew 16:24-28, 23:27-28, 25
Mark 13:32-37
John 1:1, 1:29-32
1 Corinthians 2:9
2 Corinthians 5:17
Ephesians 5:15-17
Hebrews 4:12
1 John 4:19
Revelation 1-3, 5:6, 1:12-18, 12:11, 13:8, 21:1-7
ESV Study Bible
BibleProject, “Apocalyptic Literature”
BibleProject, “Revelation-1-11”
BibleProject, “Revelation-12-22”
To be alerted of new episodes, please follow us on Instagram @cedarandcypresspod! If you have questions, want to suggest an episode topic, or connect with us, you can reach us at cedarandcypresspod@gmail.com.